Asian Featured Blog

Dr. Vijay Sharma, Asian Hospital
Heart defects to sleep apnea: Challenges of raising a child with Down Syndrome

Dr. Sunil Rana, Asian Hospital
Fact Check: क्या पेट से गैस निकालने से BP कम होता है?, जानें डॉ. सुनील राणा और डॉ. राजेश जारिया से

Dr. Zulfikar Hafeez, Asian Hospital
World Oral Day 2025: हेल्दी बॉडी के लिए क्यों जरूरी सही ओरल हाइजीन, एक्सपर्ट से जानें टिप्स

Dr. Hamid Raihan, Asian Hospital
World Oral Health Day: दिमागी सेहत हो सकती है बर्बाद, मुंह के 7 लक्षण न करें इग्नोर, Dr. ने बताया क्या करें

Dr. Zulfikar Hafeez, Asian Hospital
World Oral Health Day Special: Bad Breath? Plaque? Cancer? You’re Brushing WRONG! Dr. Hafeez REACTS!

Dr. Reetesh Sharma, Asian Hospital
Indias Kidney health crisis is growing unnoticed

Dr. N. K. Pandey, Chairman of Asian Hospital, with Director Anupam Pandey, Director of International Patient Services Neha Pandey, Asian Hospital
375 Cyclists Gear Up for Health and Fitness at Asian Hospital’s 21KM and 10KM Cycling Marathon

Dr. Manav Manchanda, Asian Hospital
World Sleep Day 2025:नींद क्यों जरूरी?

Dr LK Jha, Asian Hospital
Golden truth about ghee

Dr. Prateek Chaudhary, Asian Hospital
मेनोपॉज के बाद महिलाओं में क्यों बढ़ जाता है हार्ट अटैक का खतरा?

Dr. Reetesh Sharma, Asian Hospital
How India’s Kidney Health Crisis is growing Unnoticed

Dr. Reetesh Sharma, Asian Hospital
Rising Kidney Disease in India: Experts Urge Early Screening

Dr. Reetesh Sharma, Asian Hospital
India’s growing kidney health crisis: Why it’s going unnoticed

Dr. Reetesh Sharma, Asian Hospital
India’s Silent Kidney Health Crisis: Expert’s Perspectives on Awareness and Early Detection

Dr Amit Bangia, Asian Hospital
Expert-approved skin and hair care tips for your Holi party

Dr. Reetesh Sharma, Asian Hospital
Kidney transplant crisis in India: Why cadaver donations remain alarmingly low

Dr. Reetesh Sharma, Asian Hospital
Less than 2% of Kidney patients in Delhi Hospitals receive Cadaver Donor transplants….

Dr. Amit Bangia, Asian Hospital
Holi Tips 2025: बालों और त्वचा से कैसे हटाएं होली के रंग? एक्सपर्ट से जानें सही तरीका

Dr. Reetesh Sharma, Asian Hospital
2% lifeline: Why kidney patients in Delhi are dying waiting for cadaver transplants

Dr. Reetesh Sharma, Asian Hospital
Experts warn of rising kidney disease in India, urge early screening to tackle crisis

Dr. Amrita Razdan Kaul, Asian Hospital
This Women’s Day, Women Doctors Share Their Silent Struggles and What Keeps Them Going

Dr. Manav Manchanda, Asian Hospital
COPD in Hindi: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment | सीओपीडी: कारण, लक्षण और रोकथाम के उपाय | COPD kya hai

Dr. Sandeep Kharb, Asian Hospital
World Obesity Day 2025

Dr. Sandeep Kharb, Asian Hospital
Nearly a third of India will be obese by 2050

Dr. Neha Kapoor, Asian Hospital
मिर्गी के कारण, लक्षण | Epilepsy Symptoms, Causes | How to Stop Epilepsy Attack | Mirgi Ka Ilaj

Dr. Ved Prakash, Chairman, Robotics & Laparoscopic Surgery , Asian Hospital
10% कम तेल, मोटापे को कर देगा फेल

Dt. Komal Malik, Head Dietitian, Asian Hospital
Prime Minister Narendra Modi eats makhana at least 300 days a year, here’s how it may affect the body

Dr. Manav Manchanda, Director & Head, Respiratory & Critical Care, Asian Hospital
सामान्य Pneumonia, Cold से कितना अलग Walking Pneumonia? जानिए इसे पहचानने का तरीका| Sehat 1079

Dt. Komal Malik Asian Hospital
PM Modi ने कहा, 10% Oil Consumption करें Reduce: जानें 10% तेल कम करने से शरीर में क्या बदलाव होंगे

Dr Charu Dutt Arora, Head – AmeriHealth Home Healthcare
Dr Charu Dutt Arora, Head – AmeriHealth Home Healthcare | BW Healthcare Excellence Summit & Awards

Dr. Sandeep Kharab, Sr. Consultant Endocrinologist, Asian Hospital
6 fruits diabetics shoul

Dr Prateek Chaudhary, Senior Consultant Cardiology, Asian Hospital
How to know if you need medicine for blood pressure

Dr. Charu Dutt Arora, Consultant Physician Asian Hospital
Advancing Indian Healthcare: Challenges, Innovations & Global Prospects

Dr. Mukesh Pandey, Director & HOD- Neurosurgery, Asian Hospital
Experts bat for new-age treatment to combat epilespsy

Dr. Ruchi Singh, Radiation Oncology, Asian Hospital
India Can Take A Big Leap In Cancer Care With Improved Access To Treatment & People-centered Approach: Experts

Dr. N. K. Pandey, Chairman & Managing Director, Asian Hospital
India’s Union Budget 2025: Custom Duty Waiver On Life-Saving Drugs ‘Welcomed’ By Experts

Dr. N.K. Pandey, Chairman & Managing Director, Asian Hospital
Centre follows Karnataka’s lead with cancer daycare centres; Karnataka health minister calls budget disappointing

Dr. N. K. Pandey, Chairman & Managing Director, Asian Hospital
Healthcare experts hail Budget 2025’s push for daycare cancer centers, drug cost relief

Dr. N. K. Pandey, Chairman & Managing Director, Asian Hospital
एशियन अस्पताल के अध्यक्ष एवं प्रबंध निदेशक डॉ. एन. के. पांडे, Appeared in univarta _ 1 Feb 2025

Dr. N.K. Pandey, Chairman & Managing Director, Asian Hospital
Union Budget 2025: Budget 2025: What will be the benefits of the special gift given to the health sector, know the opinion of experts

Dr. Vijay Sharma, Associate Director and Head of Pediatric Neurology at Asian Hospital
Guillain-Barré Syndrome: Why early detection, advanced care is a must for patients

Dr. Vijay Sharma, Associate Director and Head of Pediatric Neurology at Asian Hospital
Guillain-Barré Syndrome: Why early detection, advanced care is a must for patients

Dr. Vijay Sharma, Associate Director and Head of Pediatric Neurology at Asian Hospital
Can you spot Guillain-Barre Syndrome early? Here’s what experts want you to know

Dr. Amit Miglani, Director & HOD – Gastroenterology Asian Hospital
Patanjali Red Chili Powder: बाबा रामदेव की कंपनी के लाल मिर्च पाउडर पर फिर उठे सवाल FSSAI

DT. Komal malik, Head dietician, Asian Hospital
Do you need extra water on a high-protein diet? Nutritionists explain

Dr Prateek Chaudhary, Senior consultant, Interventional cardiology, Asian hospital
दिल में छेद क्यों होता है? एक्सपर्ट बता रहे हैं कारण

DT. Komal malik, Head dietician, Asian Hospital
क्या हाई-प्रोटीन डाइट में ज्यादा पानी पीना चाहिए? न्यूट्रिशनिस्ट ने बताया

Dr. Dr N.K Pandey, Chairman and Managing Director Asian Hospital
Budget 2025: Will there be a solution for cheap treatment in the budget?

Dr. Amrita, Asian Hospital
एशियन हॉस्पिटल के ऑब्सटेट्रिक्स एंड गायनेकोलॉजी विभाग की सीनियर कंसल्टेंट डॉ. अमृता राजदान कौल

Dr. Usha Priyambada, Asian Hospital
डॉ. उषा प्रियंवदा सीनियर कंसल्टेंट गायनेकोलॉजिस्ट एशियन इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ मेडिकल साइसेज, फरीदाबाद

Dr. Usha Priyambada, Asian Hospital
क्या थायराइड की वजह से पीरियड्स अनियमित हो सकते हैं? डॉक्टर से जानें मैनेज करने के तरीके

Dr. Ajit Pratap Singh, Asian Hospital
2024 Year of technologies and innovations in healthcare

Dr. Smriti Pandey, Director of Patient Care and Dental Services at Asian Hospital
Can Informed and Involved Patients Help Make Healthcare Safer? Expert Explains

Dr. Ajit Pratap Singh, Asian Hospital
Experts Dub 2024 as the Year of Technologies and Innovations in Healthcare; Stress on further Integration of Technologies

DT. Komal Malik, Asian Hospital
Mono diet: Is this celebrity-approved trend worth the hype?

DT. Komal Malik, Asian Hospital
New Year, New You: Expert Tips to Detox and Rejuvenate After Holiday Indulgence

Dr. Amit Miglani, Asian Hospital
These foods will clean liver and digestive problems will also go away healthy liver tips

Dr. L.K Jha, Asian Hospital
Heart Attack Warning Signs: इन लक्षणों के दिखते ही हो जाएं सावधान, वरना जान से धो बैठेंगे हाथ…

Dr. L.K Jha, Asian Hospital
Heart Attack Warning Signs: इन लक्षणों के दिखते ही हो जाएं सावधान, वरना जान से धो बैठेंगे हाथ…

Dr. Usha Priyambada, Asian Hospital
महिला के मन और शरीर दोनों पर असर डालता है गर्भपात, एक्सपर्ट से जानें कैसे करें बचाव

Dr Minakshi Manchanda, Asian Hospital
Holiday brain fog: Why December feels like the Friday of the year

Dr. Neha Kapoor, Asian Hospital
स्ट्रोक के बाद बढ़ सकता है आंखों से जुड़ी इन समस्याओं का जोखिम, जानें कैसे करें बचाव

Dr Ajit Pratap, Asian Hospital
Smart ICUs: Redefining critical care in India?

Dr Deepak Kumar Mishra, Asian Hospital
Give your knees a break: Tips to protect your body’s biggest joint

Dr Amit Choudhary, Asian Hospital
हार्ट फेल में ट्रिपल वायर पेसमेकर का प्रयोग बढ़ा

Dr Vijay Kumar Sharma, Asian Hospital
बच्चो में Slow Development के Problem को कैसे Deal करे, जानिए डॉ। Vijay Kumar Sharma

Dr Deepak Kumar Mishra, Asian Hospital
Can COPD worsen loss of bone density? Orthopedician has an answer

Dr. Manav Manchanda, Asian Hospital
Delhi Air Pollution: हर साल, प्रदूषण से दिल्ली क्यों बेहाल? AQI | Top News | India News

Dr. Anita Kant, Asian Hospital
From the India Today Archives (2013): Why male fixation with virginity is rooted in sexual insecurity

Dr Usha Priyambada, Asian Hospital
सर्वाइकल कैंसर का वैक्सीन कब तक असरदार रहता है। जानें हमारी एक्सपर्ट से इस वीडियो में –

Dr. Manav Manchanda, Asian Hospital
Delhi Air Pollution: हवा में जहर, AQI 500 के पार, डॉक्टर से जानें मजबूत फेफड़ों के लिए डाइट व योग

Dr. Amit Bangia, Asian Hospital
What is tattoo blush? All about the latest beauty trend taking over internet

Dr. Manav Manchanda, Asian HospitalDr Zulfiqar Hafeez, Asian Hospital
How to Whiten Teeth at Home? | दांत दर्द से तुरंत राहत| Oral Health व योग

Dr Puneet Gupta, Asian Hospital
Navjot Singh Sidhu shares wife’s triumph: Stage 4 cancer defeated in 40 Days

Dr Puneet Gupta, Asian Hospital
Immunotherapy: Can it change the way pancreatic cancer is treated?

Dr Puneet Gupta & Dr Prateek Chaudhary, Asian Hospital
सर्दियों में हार्ट अटैक से बचने के लिए क्या करना चाहिए?

Dr Amit Bangia, Asian Hospital
Are hair perfumes safe for you? Experts weigh in