Yoga has been a part of our culture since ancient times. It is because Yoga has magical effects on the body, both- physically and mentally. It has a lot of disciplines that work on our mind, body, and soul.
We are all aware that Yoga is beneficial in overcoming a lot of diseases in our bodies. It is also known to maintain our balance and flexibility.
But did you know that besides these physical benefits, Yoga also effectively controls stress and anxiety and keeps us relaxed?
Yes, some types of Yoga techniques can assist in maintaining your mental peace.
So let us know more about Yoga and how it works!
What is Yoga?
Yoga is an ancient “Indian Science” that is a union of mind, body, and soul. Unlike random exercising or gymming, Yoga is an art form. It is not just about postures and flexing or bending our bodies to a certain level. But Yoga is like the cooperation of the mind and body spiritually. Therefore, one can transform their life through Yoga. It miraculously helps people to overcome their ailments. And people transform themselves into positive and therapeutic lives.
How does Yoga help in relieving stress and anxiety?
From completing school homework to dealing with clients to managing the household chores, we all face stress no matter what age category we are!
Even though there are many ways of coping with stress, Scientifically, Yoga has proven very effective in handling stress and calming the body.
Yoga combines breathing exercises, meditation, correct postures, and stretching.
Yoga boosts one’s mood, makes the aura positive, and increases self-love.
Yoga relieves stress hormones which eventually help get rid of anxiety as well. It also controls the heart and the pulse rate, which is abnormal in anxiety patients. At the same time, while performing Yoga, our body releases endorphins, hormones that enhance the mood and loosen stress.
Most effective Yoga asanas that help in liberating stress and anxiety-
Sukhasana or the “Easy Pose”
The Easy Pose is the most common and the easiest post that you will see people do while doing Yoga. This posture makes you grounded and centers you. It helps eliminate anxiety, making you feel more apparent, confident, and optimistic.
How to do Sukhasana?
Balasana or the “Child’s Pose”-
It is a very relaxing posture that helps release tension from your nerves. The removal of tension and calming of the nerves release stress and anxiety. Balasana also cures PCOS which again brings anxiety and stress to many women’s lives. But PCOS and stress are somewhat connected. One gets better with the betterment of the other.
How to do the Child’s Pose?
Savasana or the “Corpse Pose”-
It is a beautiful pose that has the power to take away all your worries if you do it properly. Savasana is a meditative pose that can magically take away all your emotional turmoil, leaving you without fear, stress, or anxiety.
How to do the Corpse Pose?
Adho Mukha Svanasana or the “Downward Facing Dog”
It is a fantastic pose to release stress as it associates blood flow to the brain. It is not a very difficult posture. Moreover, it has excellent benefits.
How to do the Downward dog pose?
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana or the “Upward Facing Dog Pose”-
The upward-facing dog pose may sound similar to the downward-facing dog pose, but they cater to different parts of your body. Unlike the other one, this Yoga posture regulates our respiratory system, clears our chest, and helps release emotions from our heart. Thereby removing any kind of toxicity in us which will cause stress.
How to do the Upward Facing Dog Pose?
Yoga is an art that is gaining popularity day by day due to its numerous benefits. Not only in India, but people from across the globe find Yoga to be effective for aiding physical and mental problems.
When the entire world recognizes this art of ours, why do we not follow it in our lives and make it a part of our routine!
So this Yoga day, let us make Yoga a part of our lives and let it yield our lives with its miraculous benefits!