Anyone who has suffered from knee pain understands just how intolerable it can get. Perhaps, the world’s attention was caught when in 2020 Roger Federer underwent two knee surgeries. If you have watched him on the tennis court at Roland Garros, and at Wimbledon; you have learned just what knee surgery can achieve, and how well it is possible for you to recover. However, even without such dedicated attention to getting back to your normal schedule, you can overcome some of the worst post-surgical challenges if you pay heed to certain things. Read on to learn what your options are.
Your recovery is assured if you underwent total knee replacement (TKR) at a facility like Asian. The speed of the recovery will depend on your age, the degree of damage before you opted for TKR, and your overall health, especially if you have any co-morbidities like diabetes, obesity, and kidney disease. What few people mention, but which every doctor recognizes, is your own will to get back to normal is what makes the difference. You will need to test yourself everyday as to which activity of daily life you are able to resume without mishap. From trying to stand up to pottering around the house might take anything from a few days to a few weeks, or even months.
Be brave, not foolhardy. Your attitude when on the road to recovery will determine the speed of your recovery. It is important to avoid falls, pay close attention to diet, exercise regularly, and take note of pain. A certain degree of pain after surgery is normal, but if you still need painkillers several days after TKR, you should consult your doctor to rule out probable complications. However, you should be cautious about pushing your body too much. Start walking early as it frees up your knee joint by sending it more blood to nourish and strengthen it.
One of the main reasons people undergo knee surgery is that they are unable to move around normally. They either need the support of a cane or some similar support to hobble around, or else have become confined to a wheelchair. For many, the reason is intolerable pain which persists whether they are standing, walking, or are at rest. For them, bending the knee becomes impossible. Therefore, getting your mobility back will be your top priority. The reason why you or a loved one need knee surgery may vary from degenerative osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gouty arthritis to extreme damage caused by a vehicular or other accident, such as a fall from a high place.
Typically, you should be able to stretch your leg straight ahead, or bend it sufficiently to sit on a chair comfortably within a week, latest ten days. You should be able to get in and out of a chair without assistance, carry out your toileting needs by yourself, dress yourself without assistance, and move about in your bedroom without a walker or a cane within a month or a month and a half. Those who enjoyed robust health prior to TKR, and had led an active life before developing knee pain, swelling, and stiffness are likely to recover faster. There are people who return to desk bound jobs, cooking simpler dishes, driving, even gardening within two months. Unless there are major post-operative complications such the body rejecting the implant/s, infection at the surgical site, the formation of a blood clot in the surgical site, or because you crossed your legs absentmindedly, you might even find yourself back on a badminton or tennis court.
While you should not try to go climbing mountains, participate in high impact team sports, go horse riding on rocky terrain, skiing, or indulge in hip hop dancing; you can gradually resume normal activities by doing the correct exercises, and taking physical therapy. The rehabilitation period during recovery might seem irksome, especially for younger patients; but it is vital to ensure that you undergo rehab properly to improve the quality of your life after surgery. However, heavy laborious work is best avoided after TKR. Don’t try to rearrange the furniture in your office or home by yourself.
Physical therapy should begin from the day after the operation. The physical therapist (PT) will help you to literally stand on your feet, and help you to walk about the hospital room with supports. The PT will also teach you exercises which will improve your balance, and strengthen the knee joint. Both are critical to ensure that you don’t fall at any time after TKR. To develop a strong bond between the bone and the implant, build bone mass, and reduce the risk of further bone damage, such as osteoporosis, you must follow the exercise regimen which the PT outlines for you. It is important that you wear sensible footwear, and avoid walking on highly polished floors to prevent slipping and falling. If you need to kneel, use a cushion till your knee/s are strong enough to take the weight of your body.
Your recovery will progress better if you are able to avoid catching any infection, or undergoing any dental procedure. To that end, you should focus on your diet to ensure that you get all immunity boosters you need in your food. It should help you lose weight, or at least maintain it to prevent your gaining weight. If you are overweight, the chances of falling and breaking the new knee joint increases dangerously. Healthy food and drink will go a long way towards aiding you to recover faster, and some foods like bananas, oats, nuts, grapes, leafy green vegetables, dark chocolate, fatty fish, and berries will improve your mood too, which in turn stimulates recovery.
Takeaway: Get your knee replacement surgery at a reliable place. Ensure that you play by the book; i.e., rest when you need to; eat what you enjoy, but keep it healthy; exercise regularly because the more active you are, the better the chance of your staying mobile. Before opting for TKR, explore your options for the latest non-invasive and minimally invasive surgery options to recover more swiftly.