Patients & Attendant’s Rights & Responsibilities

Patient and Family Rights to

Quality Care

  • To receive high quality care appropriate to the patient’s needs and consistent with the scope of the Hospital.
  • To receive considerate care regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, religious beliefs or age.

Information Needs

  • To know the name of the Physician who has the primary responsibility for coordinating care.
  • To receive information about the illness, treatment, and prognosis and to have any questions answered.
  • As and when appropriate, to be educated about medication, potential side effects of medication, diet and nutrition, food – drug interactions, immunizations, organ donation, prevention and other aspects of disease process including unanticipated outcome.
  • To have information on plan of care, progress and information on their health care needs.
  • In case a transfer to another facility is required, to be provided with complete explanation including alternatives to transfer.
  • To be able to lodge a complaint and be made aware of the process of redressal.
  • To receive counselling regarding the estimated cost of the treatment and payment schedule at the time of admission, as well as subsequently.
  • Patient has right to access his or her Medical Records any time.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Privacy and Confidentiality

  • To be provided with personal dignity, privacy and confidentiality during examination or treatment.
  • To have protection from physical abuse or neglect.
  • The Patient is assured of Confidentiality with regard to its medical records and has the opportunity to approve or refuse the release of such information.

Autonomy & Decision Making

  • To give informed consent before transfusion of blood and blood products, anaesthesia, surgery, initiation of any research protocol and any other invasive/High risk procedures/treatment.
  • Right to information from the doctor to provide the patient with treatment options, so that the patient can select what works best for him/her
  • Right to a seek a second opinion on his/her medical condition
  • Right to refuse a recommended treatment to the extent permitted by law, and be informed about medical consequences of the refusal.
  • To be informed and be asked if the patient wishes to participate in medical research when it is being conducted at the hospital.

Religious and Cultural Beliefs

  • To have respect for their own spiritual and cultural needs and seek or deny treatment based on them.

Patient and Family Responsibilities:

Provision of Information

  • To provide complete and accurate information including full name, address, home and/or mobile number, date of birth, insurance details and employer details whenever necessary.
  • To provide accurate and complete information concerning present complaints, past medical history, hospitalisations, medications and other matters relating to the Patient’s health.

Following Instructions

  • To follow the treatment plan advised by the Physician, including the instructions of nurses and other health professionals as they carry out the Physician’s Order.
  • To make it known whether the Patient understands the course of the medical treatment and seeks clarifications if required.
  • The patients are responsible for their own actions should they refuse treatment or their Physician’s advice.

Respect and Consideration

  • Be considerate of the right’s of other patients and hospital personnel.
  • Treat those providing care with dignity and respect.
  • Being respectful of the property and privacy of others & the hospital.
  • Never hurt or threaten another patient, family member or member of staff, or conduct any activity that will disrupt the work of the hospital.
  • Not to bring any weapons into the hospital.
  • Never consume alcohol or unauthorized drugs into the hospital.
  • Respecting that the hospital is a non smoking zone.
  • To follow visiting hours of the hospital.

Financial Obligations

  • Assure that the financial obligations of Patient’s care are fulfilled as promptly as possible and within the desired time frame.

Personal Belongings

  • Leave valuables at home and bring only those items necessary during the hospital stay.